
Showing posts from January, 2013

Video Protective Styling

I've been transitioning for about 9 months as most of you know. I am determined to have my natural hair to my neck or shoulders by the end of this year. So....I wanted wear two-strand twists for the next few months because I would like to retain as much length as possible. OMG I hope I can do this I love changing my hair. So I will post any new styles I do to change things up! I also wash my hair a bit more than I'd like (explained in the video) but we'll see how it goes.  Started 1-25-13 Scunci 30 pk No metal Hair Ties (Google Affiliate Ad)

Video:Transitioning Hair Trail

Alright everyone I decided to do this video on my past 9 months of hair transitioning. I do NOT plan on doing a big chop.....I think. I want my natural hair to reach my shoulders in its shrinkage state before I cut it all off. I shall call it my safe and mini However, I want to say that I have NEVER had issues with my relaxed hair. I have never experienced any damaged hair...or severe breakage.  I basically started this journey because I want my natural thick hair back. I want the beautiful twists and twist outs..braid outs...bantu knots...etc. My hair is super thick and until now I forgot what my real hair actually looks like.  However, I am excited to be entering my 10th month of transitioning soon and then a year! This video is a just a small trail of my journey! Anyone else journeying out there!?!?! =) Babyliss Pro Black Carrera Hair Dryer (Google Affiliate Ad)

Natural Hair Growth Update-Moisturizing

These last two days I have been wearing my hair in a bun. I was tired of braiding my hair...using bantu knots...and all that twisting! Whew! So I used lots of water and moisturizer to slick it back into a medium high bun! Anyways, I thought it was important to show you guys my natural/permed hair. I would like to say that my natural texture is probably a 4b and perhaps a 4c in some areas in the back. My hair is wavy and sometimes spiral curls on my edges. But....the back seems to be a tad more coarse??? With less of a curl pattern. But I moisturize my hair at least 4-5 days a week. My hair tends to dry out really fast to the point where it feels brittle. One day I took my twist out to moisturize and my permed hair was super hard. However, my natural hair at the roots was somewhat soft. I've noticed that my hair responds differently.....perm/natural hair. The following pictures are just me sectioning my hair and moisturizing my hair. I cannot believe I use so much water i...

Can you GUESS WHO'S Hair is Real??

OMG ... ..My nephew and I from last night! We were having such a good time playing around with our natural/transitioning hair! Let's be honest dealing with natural hair isn't always the easiest thing to deal with right? Sometimes we have BAD hair days.....days that make us feel like crap. And frankly so frustrated that we questionthe decision we made to even go natural to begin with. Tonight I just had my ends clipped because my hair tends to be a little shaggier in the back more than anything else. I'll be posting pictures later about that. But ANYWAYS CAN YOU POINT OUT THE FAKE!LOL

Forget Men...Stop and LOOK at yourself !

Now that I'm NOT an east coast PITTSBURGH girl anymore....I'm already concerned about summer time! Omg it is 70+ degrees here in Cali already! Time to shape and mold! Been going to the gym 4xs a week fir about 2 months now.....tone with me! Forget about the men stopping to take a look. STOP for yourself ;)

Bantu Knot Video...Plus Results

Hey Everyone, I've finally uploaded my first Bantu Knot video. Check it Out:   The end of the video shows a few pictures representing different types of curl patterns you can get with Bantu Knots. I used Bantu Knots in these pictures. Enjoy, and let me know how yours went!?!

Late Night Hair Transitioning Woes!

Image's 3:40 a.m and I'm laying down watching Kill Bill 2. But I'm thinking about my hair...i'll probably be dreaming of bantu knots jumping over combs! I cannot wait to be completely natural. I'm sick and tired of these cancer ends dangling from my hair. I see why people Big Chop thus stuff is mentally exhausting. What am I to do when I wash my hair and my roots dry up in 3 seconds. Leaving me without hope of a painless detangle session. Well....I'll get over it. I've washed my hair and all of those things did happen. But I managed to come back with a full head of hair still. # Transitioner Accomplishment :) Anyone having Transitioner woes!?! Talk to me! Night Night Everyone

4gradesnatural! Check us out.

Hey Everyone my family and I will be starting a youtube page about hair called 4gradesnatural! Check us out here :!/pages/4gradesnatural/489921261060382 Also check out our blog here: Be on the lookout for updates and videos to come soon we just started! If you do anything let me know about it! Ky, Karm, Kami, Ms.T-Mom :)