What IS Love....Which One Do YOU Want
I learned something so beneficial and important to me at church....Question everything Ladies. Someone told me he never believes a thing I say until it's DONE....stand on it! When I LOVE...I Love...and when you truly LOVE someone it ALWAYS STAYS. BUT...if I said I only wanted LOVE....I'd be kidding myself. I WANT A LOVE THAT WILL STAY 1. I want love....not EROS: A physical and sensual "love" between a man and woman. Do I want SEX....so I can passionately burn? ....I don't think SO...Corinthians 7:8-9 2. I want STORGE: Family love, a bond between brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, daughters, sons...etc. ...I think SO....Exodus 20:12 3. I want PHILIA: Brotherly love, close friendship. ...I think SO Romans 12:10 4. I want AGAPE: Unconditional, sacrificial, presenting SELF...LAST. Agape is the greatest LOVE of all....the love God presents to us all. Unwavering, forgiving....The greatest love one can HAVE. ...I think SO John14:21 God is from th...